Base Scripture:1 Thessalonians 5 17 Rejoice Always, Pray Without Ceasing, In Everything Give Thanks
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The Strength to carry on
One reads, “your strength will equal your days.” (Deut 33:25) This seems to mean that the help which God gives, varies according to the tasks and trials of the particular day. God fits His blessing to our days.
When we are weak, He increases strength. (Isa 40:29)
When we are sorrowful, He gives comfort. (2 Cor 1:3-6)
When we are in danger, He grants protection. (Ps 32:7)
When we are weary, He gives rest. (Mtt 11:28)
Another of Christ’s promises reads, “My grace is sufficient for you.” (Cor 12:9) Every word of this assurance shines with brilliant light.
“My grace is sufficient for you.”
It is Christ’s grace that is sufficient. We know that He has all Divine fullness, and so we are sure that no human need can ever exhaust His power to give help!
“My grace is sufficient for you.”
It is Christ’s grace that is sufficient. If it were anything else but grace, it might not give us such comfort. Grace is undeserved favor, goodness shown to the unworthy. We deserve nothing because we are sinners, but it is Christ’s grace which is sufficient, and so we can claim it.
“My grace is sufficient for you.”
His grace “IS” sufficient. Christ is always speaking personally to the one who is in any need, and saying, “My grace IS sufficient for you.”
“My grace is sufficient for you.”
The word “sufficient” is one whose meaning expands and amplifies with the measure of the need. No need is so small that it can’t be included; and none is so great that it can go beyond the capacity of the blessing that is promised.
“My grace is sufficient for you.”
The grace is sufficient for each of His redeemed children. “For you” the promise is made..
Life lies before us, with its burdens, its duties, its responsibilities, its struggles, its perplexities. It does not come to us all at once. God breaks our years into months and weeks and days, and never gives us more than we can bear or do for the day.
If we take up the present duty or burden we shall always have strength to do it. If we do not have strength of our own, we don’t need to falter because even if the task is impossible to our ability He will sustain us by giving us all the help we need.
- J.R. Miller
Thought of the Day-2/4/2010
Thought of the Day-1/4/2010
1. to cut or lop off (twigs, branches, or roots).
2. to cut or lop superfluous or undesired twigs, branches, or roots from; trim.
3. to rid or clear of (anything superfluous or undesirable).
4. to remove (anything considered superfluous or undesirable).
I expect great things from myself and God in 2010.
I am ready for a complete, total commitment. I am done with
half stepping. I always knew God was not the problem, but
sometimes you need the word to be given from someone else in a different fashion.
I am ready to receive my training and for God to enlarge my territory.
Sure there is some residue left from 2009 that needs to be dealt with.
Awareness is the key to my change, so I trust with faith that a dedicated
fast will cleanse my system from anything that might not be of the Father.
I am claiming more financial stability as my husband and I go into
our year of increase.
I am claiming more peace on my husbands job as we go into our
year of increase.
I am claiming that I will walk totally and completely into
my giftings in our year of increase.
Unlike others I am blessed with the wisdom of years.
Unlike others I am blessed with an all-knowing Father.
Unlike others I realize and recognize that God Is Not the Problem...