So I have been missing in action a good three years on my writing. When I get down to
thinking about it in years, days and months, I can't believe I stopped.
I have missed having this type of conversational outlet.
I will start with an update overview of what happened to cause me to fall off the grid with my writing. It all started with the car accident that I was in February of 2011. The car accident was the beginning of the end for several things in my life. I lost my writing and I lost my couponing. I just didn't have the physical ability to keep either one going. During 2012-2015 I was faced with some bone issues (Paget's Disease) that would lead me from seeing the top experts in their field in my location, then needing to travel to Rochester MN to the Mayo Clinic. Much like everyone else in the world I also experienced loss, loss of mobility and restrictions with my right hand and loss of family members that went on to Glory. My ministry expanded (I am a preacher) and I have been able to preach outside of my congregation these past years, which has really broadened my horizons.
Should you have any interest in learning more about my journey these years off the grid just leave a comment and I am sure I can revisit it.
Some people that live off the grid are not connected to the world at all. I was off the grid only in a couple areas, thank the Lord. I could not imagine going completely off the grid.
Todays topic we will look at Jonah or more specific Tarshish type living. You can read about Jonah in the book of Jonah. He received a Command, his life had purpose and meaning, he went the opposite direction that God told him to go. Once you know specifically what you are called to do in this world, you would think that it is quite clear how to proceed. This is not the case for many people. Knowing what you are called to do is only one piece of the puzzle. It goes much deeper than that. Acceptance of the calling, how to move forward and resources are some of the other key pieces that are necessary. It only complicates matters if you are not accepting the call on your life and you fall into Tarshish type living. Jonah went to Tarshish premeditated and determined not to go where he was called. Tarshish type living means that you are digging a ditch or more accurately you're in the middle of a storm on a sinking ship. Why do we waste time in Tarshish only to detour off the path? Is it a lack of confidence in our ability, or are we like Eve questioning did He really tell me to go to Nineveh? Are we just that stubborn, hard headed and disobedient? Living outside the lines in Tarshish, outside the Will of God, leaves us empty and sitting in the belly of a fish wondering or better yet reviewing how did I get myself into this predicament. How do I get myself out? Jonah experienced disobedience and anger. Jonah's Tarshish living was used by God to teach Jonah the preacher to be humble, to not be judgmental and to do What thus saith the Lord.
I don't know about you, but I do know that I don't want to live in Tarshish. We put ourselves at such great risk living outside the lines. God uses our living inside and outside the lines for his Glory. He teaches us and matures us through our fallible choices.