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Thought of the Day-June 3rd, 2009

Psalm 121:2 (New International Version)
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
As I am sitting at my desk this morning. My mind is stayed on this verse that my help comes from the Lord. I am not feeling well at all today, so I am clearly intentionally focused on the Father.
I wanted to go to choir last night, but was unable to. I wanted to share with the group my pennies. Yes, I said pennies. I was looking at my bucket of pennies yesterday morning as I was getting ready for work. If you look at the pennie just above the head, it says In God We Trust. Just above the head, that spoke to me yesterday telling me that my mindset, my focus is to be "In God We Trust" Not in man, woman or child, but "In God We Trust"
Where does your help come from? Where is your trust?
My help comes from the Lord... My mind has been regulated to trust in God.

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