
Good day to you..
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Thought of the Day-July 28th, 2009

As I was looking at Robert Schullers "Little Book of Hope" today, I came across this quote:

"Life's not fair, but God is good. Life throws us a disappointment.
And God responds by giving us encouragement."
If I focus on how bad things are with the SUV, how bleak my world would be.
Don't get me wrong it is sad, frustrating and stressful.
But I choose to report on How big my God Is, instead of the alternative.
I trust in the Lord...
I will praise him whether the SUV runs, whether the van gets fixed,
I will praise him...
I will not, shall not, won't base my praise, my happiness
my satisfaction with this worldly life on
an emotion...
I will not waiver....
In thee I trust oh Lord...

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