
Good day to you..
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Thought of the Day-October 13th, 2009

The word of the day is Define.

- state something: to state or describe something exactly
- characterize somebody or something: to identify somebody or something by a distinctive characteristic quality or feature
- show something clearly: to show something clearly, especially in shape or outline
As I was meeting with the Ministerial Team of my church
last night, this word kept ringing in my mind.
How do I define myself? How do others define me?
Do I need a license, a stamp of approval to define Angela?
None of those three questions are important. None of those three
questions matter one bit. Why?
Because I have already received a stamp of approval.
God has approved me... God has given me his stamp..
God has assigned and predestined what my training
will be and what valleys I will experience
and what mountains I will climb.
I so thank the Lord for His plan for my life,
for choosing how I will fulfill my days
seeking and serving the kingdom.
It is not my will, not my past, not my present that
defines who I am,
What does define me is whose I am.!
A child of the Most High God.
Something no man, no woman, no mountain,
no trial, no tribulation, no trauma and no drama
can take from me.
What does define me? That I am....
a child of the Most High God.

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