
Good day to you..
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I hope that you find the information useable, use what you can,
discard what you cannot and leave me a thought or two of your own.

Thought of the Day-12/30/2009

Revelation 3:20 (King James Version)

20)Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
God invites us, he desires us to know him and for us to allow him to know us. Will you open the door before it's too late?

Thought of the Day-12/29/2009

Ever so innocently, we've let our English language distort the meaning of the word church. Sometimes, that word means a place (as in I left my Bible at church). Other times, it refers to an activity (as in What time does church start). Often church is used to describe an institution (as in His behavior was frowned on by the church). While such definitions are appropriate, they miss the meaning of what church is all about.

The essence of the church is your Christian family---those people around the world who flow Christ and commit themselves to Him and to each other. When the apostle Paul wrote about the church, he wasn't talking about a building, an activity, or an institution. For Paul, the expression of church meant a personal relationship among Christians. He most often compared the church to a human body.

In a body, all the parts and details are important,and they must function in harmony.

  • If one member of the body is injured or sick, then the entire body suffers.
  • The members must operate in unison, because if they try to go in opposite directions, they won't get anywhere.
  • Some members are more visible, while others play a vital role on the inside, But both types are necessary. There are no small parts in the body of Christ.
  • If every member were the same, the body would look really weird, and if wouldn't function very well. (Just imagine a five-foot, eight-inch ear. Oh, sure you would have excellent hearing, but try driving a car that way).

the next time you go to church , don't look at the building of think about the schedule of events. Instead, look at the people. Appreciate them for who they are, what they need, and what they contribute to the "body". Then think about yourself. What is your role in the church? How do you fit into the body? Are you making a contribution to the overall health and fitness of the body?

Being part of the church means a lot more than just attending a service on Sunday morning, tossing a few coins in the basket, and shaking the pastor's hand on the way out. Being a part of the church involves an interactive relationship between people with Christ as their common bond. With that definition, you can't "walk out of the church" on Sunday morning. You are part of the body all week long.

Thought of the Day-12/23/2009

The Grinches that Steal Christmas
Written by Muriel Larson

What do you think of as Christmas draws near? Do you eagerly look forward to shopping for presents — and the gifts that you will receive? Do you enjoy shopping at big stores, and seeing all the decorations everywhere? Does your mouth water when you smell the turkey and the pumpkin and mince pies coming out of the oven? Can you hardly wait to eat turkey, sweet and mashed potatoes, and corn?

Do you have any time to think of the real reason for Christmas — our Lord Jesus Christ coming as a baby, and how the angels heralded His birth — and how He came to give His life for us that we may join Him in heaven someday?

Did you ever see that animated film on television, “The Grinch That Stole Christmas”? Well, I think that there are at least three grinches that can steal Christmas from us and the Son of God.

*Number One Grinch is Santa Claus.

This one sort of makes a god out of Santa Claus. After all, “he knows when we’ve been bad or good”– just as if he were God. Younger children eagerly await the gifts Santa will bring. This tends to take their eyes and thoughts off the greatest gift ever given: Jesus. Fairy tales are nice and I enjoyed them as I grew up. But really, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ is no time for a fairy tale that presents itself as true, is it?

*Number Two Grinch is the world.

The non-Christian world has twisted the meaning of Christmas. Plays given at school used to be centered around the coming of Christ, the manger scene. Other plays like “The Grinch That Stole Christmas” have taken their place. They have stolen the real meaning of Christmas.

*Number Three Grinch is activity.

We have so much to do during the Christmas season that we have little time to think about Jesus. We have gifts to buy, trees to trim, relatives to visit, food to eat–lots of enjoyable things not wrong in themselves. But if they keep us too busy to think about our Lord Jesus then they “steal” Christmas, don’t they?

Now is a good time for all of us to determine in our hearts that we will not let the grinches steal the true Christmas spirit from us. How can we do that? During the season — and all through the year too — we can spend a minute or two each day thinking of the loving, compassionate Lord Jesus and what a difference His coming into this world has made in it and in our lives. We can praise God for the greatest gift possible, our Lord Jesus. Paul said, “Thanks be to God for his indescribably gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15, NIV).We may not be able to give the Lord Jesus Christ gold, frankincense, and myrrh, as the Wise Men did. But we can give Him our hearts and our time.

Questions: How can you cut back on activities and centre you thoughts more on the real meaning of Christmas? Tell us about one of your traditions at Christmas time that emphasizes the birth of Christ.

Thought of the Day-12/22/2009

A Plea to Use the Bible Every Day
Dr. Paul Dean
How often do you go to the Scriptures when faced with a difficult decision, an ethical dilemma, or when in need of simple advice? Do you realize just how practical the Scriptures really are? Would you first consult the bible when faced with a co-worker’s question concerning a problem he’s having with his teenage son, or would you first consult an “expert,” a secular book on the subject, or another friend?
Christians no doubt are aware that the bible contains information and of course doctrine. Not only is doctrine a dreaded concept in our contemporary context, but for many, the information the bible contains, even the information with which believers are familiar, seems so disconnected from their daily lives. Few people are aware of just how practical the Scriptures really are and therefore just how useful they really are for helping us to answer every day questions or deal with every day situations.

We get a lot of bible content on Sunday. In other words, we get a lot of information. However, somehow, we are failing to connect that information to our daily living and we have not grasped the fact that the bible is something that should be with us for ready use every day and not merely put away so we’ll have it on Sunday. In his little book, What to do on Thursday, Jay Adams asks the simple question, “Can we know how to go to the bible to find help on Thursday?” The answer of course is that we can and we must.

We must be able to go to the bible to find practical help in our every day lives because if we do not, we will make major decisions without reference to God. Not only do we miss out on the wisdom that God has for us but we actually commit ourselves to futility in so doing. When we attempt to make decisions without reference to God we are actually acting independently from God in the areas of knowledge and wisdom. To do so is to have no ground or basis for what we believe in that particular instance which means we have no ground for the decision we make. The decision we make will be foolish in God’s sight in that we have gone the way of Eve: we have decided that His revelation is not good enough for us and that we know a better way. Even if we happen to make a decision that occasionally squares with Scripture, we still play the part of the fool in that we don’t know why our decision is a good one because we didn’t consult God’s wisdom for us. We merely stumbled upon a good decision in one instance by virtue of the fact that we have been created in God’s image and therefore run into His truth in our thinking from time to time.

Thought of the Day-12/21/2009

Receive forgiveness at Christmas
by Rick Warren

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11 (NIV)

Knowing that Christmastime is God's chosen time teaches us that Christmas is the time for us to receive forgiveness for the wrong things we've done.

God didn't send us a salesman because we don't need a product. He didn't send us a politician because we don't need diplomacy. He didn't send a scientist because we don't need more information.

God sent us a Savior because we need a Savior. If we didn't need a Savior, God wouldn't have wasted time sending one. God sent a Savior so we could receive forgiveness.

Why do I need a Savior? The Bible says that heaven is a perfect place. There's no sin in heaven; there's no suffering in heaven; there's no pain in heaven; there's no sorrow in heaven. It is a perfect place. The Bible says only perfect people get to live there. Obviously, if imperfect people lived there it wouldn't be perfect. That means I don't stand a chance of getting to heaven on my own merit.

You may be a good person, but the Bible doesn't say good people go to heaven. It says perfect people go to heaven. Not imperfect ... perfect. And none of us measure up.

So we all have a big problem. Here's this perfect place, but none of us are perfect. So God came to earth in the form of Jesus, who was perfect. I can't get to heaven on my own, but Jesus says, "I will be your Savior."

How do I let Christ save me? It's real simple. You admit you need a Savior. That's hard for a lot of us because it hurts our pride. We think we're a good person. That may even be true but you're not good enough. You're not perfect. We must admit, "I need a Savior. I need help. God, I need Jesus in my life. I need Jesus to be my Savior."

I was a life guard when I was younger. One thing every lifeguard knows is that you can't save anybody who's trying to save themselves.

If you've ever watched a lifeguard approach a person who is drowning, you will see the lifeguard swim out to the person and then just tread water. The lifeguard will watch the swimmer flail around until he or she finally gives up and goes limp. At that point, the lifeguard can simply put an arm around the swimmer's shoulder and swim back to shore.

It's that easy! But as long as the swimmer is trying to save him or herself, then no one can save him or her. If you grab on to swimmers before they give up trying to save themselves, they'll pull you down with them. You've got to wait until they stop trying to save themselves, then you can save them.

In the same way, God can't save you until you stop trying to save yourself. You can't have Christ as your Savior until you quit trying to get to heaven on your own effort. You have to just relax (remember 'stop being afraid') and say, "God, I don't deserve to be forgiven. I just cast myself on Your mercy." And God says, "That's what I've been waiting for. You are forgiven."

God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3:16-17 NLT)

Thought of the Day-12/18/2009

"He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful" (John 1:2, NIV).

Jesus spoke to His disciples and said, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." John 15:1-8, NIV

It seems kind of weird that we should want to go through the pain of pruning, doesn't it? It reminds me a bit of the old work out saying, "No pain, no gain." When you allow the Lord to expose dead branches in your life and to strip them away, a simple, radiant beauty remains. You become a more vibrant reflection of Him and become better equipped to bear fruit. Trust Him, friend...no matter what or whom He may call you to give up.

Are there any dead branches hanging on the tree of you?

Let's Pray
Dear Lord, thank You for Your perfect love that longs for me to be fruitful and beautiful in You. Please remove any life-less branches in my life. As the psalmist prayed: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23-24, NIV).

In Jesus Name,

Thought of the Day-12/17/2009

Todays Word is: Opportunity
1. advantageous chance: a chance, especially one that offers some kind of advantage
2. favorable conditions: a combination of favorable circumstances or situations
Are you seizing opportunities? Ones where you are able to show Christlike behavior,
characteristics to others. Are you using the moments of strife and struggle in
a co-worker's life or a family members life to exhibit the characteristics of Christ.
People here are noticing the light that shines in me. I have been
asked on several occasions to pray about specific requests.
Shocking I have stopped in my tracks to do so.
I am seizing the opportunity.
Remembers that the circumstances in your life may be
out of your control, but the way you respond to them
should not be.
Our lives are filled with opportunities to grow and
evolve into who Christ created us to be.
Once again I ask you to chose who
this day you will serve!

Thought of the Day-12/16/2009

My husband being a man of wisdom that he is has told me many times that:


It's amazing that when he looks at me, he sees beauty. He compliments me on my outer appearance, though when I look in the mirror some days I am unable to see beyond my imperfections.

Being happy in my marriage, being happy in my place of employment, being happy in my church, being happy with myself, has a whole lot to do with seeing beyond the imperfections.

Life is not filled with all flowers and high times, but life is filled with opportunities to grow.

You have a choice this day, whether you are to engulf yourself in how you feel, or whether to look beyond the aches, the moments of blue.

Let's remember the real meaning of Christmas... The giver of life Jesus!

Thought for the Day-December 15th, 2009

We thank Minister Kathy Lewis for inspiring and co-writing todays thought.

There are a lot of ways, choices in how we live our life. We can live our lives based on how we physically or emotionally feel. Or we can live our life as one who loves and inspires. We can live our lives as today may be our last, with love and joy.

When I arose this morning, physically I did not feel well at all. I spent time on the side of the bed contemplating whether I was going to call in, which would have only been my second time since I have been with my company. As usual I made the chose to press on, I decided that this too would pass. It did pass, and I feel so much better for it. I feel better for not allowing how I felt physically to stop my day.

Minister Kathy's Words today inspired me to remember once again that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!
Please see her message below:

Keep smiling and laughing no matter what. Remember: "Happiness is based on happenings but Joy is based on Jesus" and He is the only one that can give you peace that surpassed all understanding. You can not let your current circumstances control your attitude. True and lasting happiness, however, comes from pleasing God. We cannot achieve happiness, but can only receive it through a right relationship with God, because only God knows what is really best for us, and he is the Creator and the giver of happiness.

Joy comes from a consistent relationship with Jesus Christ. When our lives are intertwined with his, he helps us walk through adversity without sinking into lows and helps us manage prosperity, without moving into deceptive highs. The joy of living with Christ daily keeps us levelheaded, no matter how high or low our circumstances. So hold your heads up high and remember who you are and who's you are. Have a blessed and glorious day!

Thought of the Day-12/14/2009

There are times when we need to forgive someone for something they have done. On occasion it can seem so difficult…almost impossible. But we spoke yesterday in Sunday about nothing being impossible with God.

But forgiveness is not an option for you and me as followers of Jesus Christ.

Forgiveness is an act of the will. You can forgive. In fact, Jesus said that we even need to love our enemies, those who may not want peace with us.

Jesus said in Matthew 5:44,

“Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”

How can you do that? Because God has done the same thing for you. In Romans 5:10 it says,

When we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son.

When you and I embrace salvation through Jesus Christ, that same love of God is poured out in our hearts. (See Romans 5:1 and 5). As a result, we can forgive those who have wronged us.

What we need to understand is that forgiveness is more for ourselves then the other person. Many times the other person does not even know that we are holding forgiveness. Holding ourselves captive and opening ourselves up to a seed of bitterness. Holding on to unforgiveness
hurts ourselves more than it hurts others.

Tis easier to open your mouth in expression to forgive to spend one day out of the will of God.
We don't have the right to hold anyone captive in this way.

Thought of the Day-12/10/2009

Humility is a very important key to effective prayer. In 1 Peter 5:5-6 we read this,

Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.

God resists the proud. He gives grace to the humble.

Humility, more than anything else, is an attitude of the heart that says, “I recognize I am not self-sufficient. I am open, I am teachable, I am thankful. God, I am willing to bow my heart before You and confess that I am in utter need of Your assistance.”

Contrary to what some people say and think, humility is not to be equated with lack of courage. In fact, it takes great courage for a person to admit they have need. Meekness is not weakness. Meekness is a sign of strength.

King David said in Psalm 18:35, Your gentleness (or Your meekness) has made me great. Moses was called the meekest or the humblest man on the face of the earth, and yet we don’t think of him as a weak person. He is one of the greatest leaders to ever step out of the pages of the Bible, and very few people in history have had power with God in the place of prayer like Moses did.

Jesus, our Savior, said, “Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart” (KJV). Friend, that ought to be one of the hallmark qualities of our lives— especially when we are praying. It is a key to effective prayer.

Thought of the Day-12/9/2009

We want to thank Minister of Music Jacqua Williams for our word for today. She led us in this study last night at choir. Thus far we have covered at choir: Obedience, Worthy, Overcoming, and still to come are discipline and stewardship. Things have been heating up for the choir since we have started to study the Word of God together.
Today's word: Overcoming
Let's take a look at 1 over comer Joseph.
We really don't give Joseph all the credit
he deserves as an over comer. We use that word overcome,
overcoming and over comer without really understanding that this is a state of being
and not just a mind set or a bunch of hard work. An over comer is someone who has
been saved, sanctified, and set apart for a specific task God has in mind. Over comers also do not allow Satan to destroy or sway their faith.
Joseph was severely betrayed. He was hated by his brothers.
They sold him into slavery and then after some years had passed, a famine
hit the land. By that time Joseph was running things for Pharaoh
and when his brothers needed some food they had to ask him for it.
Now, here is where the overcoming begins. Joseph could have looked at his brothers
who didn't recognize him, and said let them starve. But he didn't. Instead he advised them to go home and get all the family and come back. When they did so he let them know who he was and fed his family so they would not starve. That's an Over comer. Joseph went through some stuff before he became the King's second in command. He was in prison yet he didn't remain bitter toward his brothers. God kept using him to dream dreams that would help Pharaoh build barns to house grain for the famine. Joseph stayed faultless in the presence of God and God raised him up for a special time in which his brothers would need his help. The brothers who had told their father that he had been killed. The brothers who sold him into slavery.
A person who will not let the past dictate who they are, how they think, or their Christlike
walk is the prime and pure example of an OVER COMER! They will remain faithful to the Lord
making their calling and election sure. They will not doubt that God has set them apart for a time such as this.
Over comers are people who have the love of the Lord. They believe all things, hope all things, endure all things, never demand their own way, and are not puffed up or arrogant. Over comers are disciples baptized by the fire of the Holy Ghost. Over comers have a peace that passes all understanding. Over comers are never bitter or revengeful. Over comers are not people pleasers. Over comers are the strong who say I will not quit singing in the choir no matter what they do to me. I am singing for the Lord and for the Lord I live and for the Lord I will die.
Are you an over comer?
An over comer has a radical faith that will allow him or her to walk on water. They have a faith that can part the Red Sea. They can pray and make the rain stop for 3 years. But they can also humble themselves to forgive, forget, and move on up a little higher using the same Faith, mercy, and grace toward others that God has so generously shown them. Over comers are people who live, breath and have their being in God's divine favor.
Other over comers you might remember are Esther, Job and Peter.

Thought of the Day-12/8/2009

The Word for the day is
1. a ring that connects with others to make up a chain,
or something resembling a ring in a chain
2. something that ties, connects, or relates two or more things
Yesterday we considered the importance of staying connected, of making
a connection with our Heavenly Father.
Today we look at what keeps us connected. We stay connected
by links, something that ties us to the body of Christ.
We talk about in the Word of God how there is one body,
but many parts doing different things. As we are all
apart of the body, we serve different functions.
As we serve in different capacities we form links
with one another.
I am linked to the body, as a foot I sing in the
praise choir, trying to minister in song to someone's spirit.
As a hand I am there as a minister to pray with
someone, as well as to lend a hug.
As a toe I am there to tip toe
behind the scenes in order to fill in the gaps
where needed.
I am linked to the body because I chose to be
linked. I chose to stay plugged in to what is
going on. I encourage you if you are
struggling in your walk, if you are having
trouble finding your way to get linked with
the body. A link refers to two or
more things, so you are not a link
unless you become connected.
Why not link with the Lord Most High?
The only one I know that can provide you with
what you are looking for.

Thought of the Day-12/7/2009

Today's Word is

1. joined together: joined or linked firmly together
2. related: having something in common
3. with beneficial social connections: having useful business or social connections

Do you feel connected to a group or family? Do you

have a sense of belonging and significance with a particular group?

When you join the family of Christ, you belong,

you have a guaranteed inheritance. No longer are you

orphaned, abandoned or alone. You have an inheritance,

a royal priesthood. A joint heir with Christ.

A daughter of Eve or a son of Adam.

What freedom, what peace in being connected to our Heavenly

Father, of being connected to others in the body of Christ

that believe as you believe.

Staying connected is your choice,

it is up to you. Staying connected has benefits

of protection, healing, restoration. Staying

connected to the Father helps one and encourages one

to remain directed and guided by the Father.

Staying connected is your choice.

Thought of the Day-12/4/2009

Word of the Day is

1. speedy recovery from problems: the ability to recover quickly from setbacks
2. elasticity: the ability of matter to spring back quickly
into shape after being bent, stretched, or deformed
Can we talk a minute about life, about the joys,
the sorrows, the trials and the tribulations?
Do you look at your problems as potholes,
or as an opportunity for growth?
Many times, most times, how we view,
re-act and inter-act with one another
directly affects our own progress.
I have a joint partnership with two significant, most
important, most life affirming people in my life.
My first partnership that I made was at the age of 16,
in a little church in Hannibal Missouri. I forged that day
in front of all that I love a partnership with my Heavenly Father.
I came to know him for myself, reaching an age of accountability
for my actions, thoughts and deeds. A partnership that would prove
very lucrative, should I hold up to my end of the covenant.
Should I spring back quickly after being bent, stretched and deformed
by my Heavenly Father, if I am to be resilient.
At the age of 16 God the Father had to mold me and make me,
he had to bend me, stretch me, deform me from my worldly
thinking, into the mind that He created me to be.
My second partnership that I entered into was at
a little church here in Columbia. I forged that day
in front of all that I know and love a partnership with
the man that was to be my husband. A true gift from God
given to me on December the 2nd, 2006. A partnership that
would proved very lucrative, should I hold up my end of the covenant.
A covenant made with my Father, leading and guiding the two of us the
rest of the days that we shall live.
Our marriage is one of resiliency. We are able to come together
in the face of an adversity, seek the Father and apply
a solution. With our Father's direction, my husbands
wisdom and my gift of creativity and organization
we are able to be resilient.
My husband is an only child, I am the oldest child,
the oldest grandchild on both sides of my family.
My husband is an elder, praised and highly respected
at the city gates. I am a minister of the gospel,
serving those in need with a spirit of hospitality.
I tell you all this to let you know that some resiliency was
involved in both our lives as individuals before we
came together. We are still as God created us in our
mother's wombs, we chose the path of the Father.
So, do you look at problems as potholes or
opportunities for growth? Are you resilient?
Able to bend, stretch and deform, are you
elastic springing back quickly from the setback,
trial or test.
The Word of the Lord says:

Psalm 91
1) He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

2) I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

3) Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

4) He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

5) Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

6) Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

7) A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

8) Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

9) Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

10) There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

11) For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

12) They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

13) Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

14) Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

15) He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

16) With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

Thought of the Day-12/3/2009

Word of the Day-
quality of being brave: the ability to face danger,
difficulty, uncertainty,
or pain without being overcome by fear
or being deflected from a chosen course of action
So yesterday we were able to talk about perseverance.
Today we look at living our lives with courage.
Courage shows up in the face of a Christian
in various ways.
A christian shows courage when they walk by Faith
in the sight of uncertainty. A christian shows
courage when they are going full force serving the
Lord, then is attacked for walking in a deeper
relationship. Courage keeps you on a steady
track in the sight of danger.
I have faced danger at different points in my walk.
As a child dealing with sexual abuse, I lived with
As a teenager choosing the ways of the church
over the ways of the world, I have lived
with courage.
As an adult needing to say goodbye to my
reproductive organs, I have faced my life
without children of my own, with courage.
I have faced a life of pain with courage.
I have not been overcome by the pain
of this world. I have lived a life
of perseverance, a life of courage,
a life of resilience.
A life of courage was not a gift that I gave myself.
A life of courage was a gift given me by my Heavenly Father.
I have always sensed a strong presence in my life, I have listened
to that little voice within that directs my path. When the Word
is provided for my learning, I am aware of how it applies to my life.
I use that information to continue to mold and make the True person I am to be.
My life has meaning, my life has purpose, and I do make a difference.
I make a difference and matter only because of who I am in Christ.
In this room in which I work, I am the glue.
The glue that holds us together, the only one that can sit
and adjust to my surroundings. Adjusting in that I change the
atmosphere of the room, if I am up, the room is up, if I
am silent, the room is silent. How I am each and everyday
affects the atmosphere of this room.
No other person other than my supervisor
has the power to affect the area in such a way.
I am the glue, that stretches across all the
boundaries, personalities and such that
creates the shape of my environment.
Tomorrow we will take a look at resilience.
Leave me your comments!

Thought of the Day-12/2/2009

Word of the Day is:

We are made to persist. That's how we find out who we are.
Tobias Wolff,
1. continued steady belief or efforts,
withstanding discouragement or difficulty; persistence
Are you one that gives up, refuses to try, gets discouraged and falls
every time you hit a pothole along life's journey? Or are you
one that stands strong in the sight of adversity, telling
your pothole what is really true about your unwavering spirit?
This thought that I seek to write this day may speak to many hearts.
It may reach over the generations and talk to that inner woman or
inner man. Either way that it speaks to you, know that sometimes
I am just preaching to the choir, or trying to lift myself from the
ground beyond.
Perseverance, persistence is not an acquired trait or is it?
Can one who is adopted learn from their environment to
be self-resilient and to preserve against a world of obstacles?
Is perseverance en grained in our DNA or is it something
that we can take a class and learn?
From the time that I was born obstacles beset my life.
Being born in the seventies to a single teenage parent.
Being not white and not black in my skin tone.
Being of a different height and having different
color and texture of hair.
From the time that I was born and even before
I received an inheritance, a promise of
riches in glory. A promise of my Father's
ever present hand on my life.
When you come across two roads, you can take either road
according to the GPS to get to the same location.
But one road has wrong turns, potholes and such
that might deter you, or delay you from getting to the destination.
I must admit that I have lived a life of Perseverance.
I did however take a wrong turn. I forgot about
my own testimony for a moment, that I would
Praise Him regardless of my circumstances,
regardless of the temporary feelings.
I momentarily went down a wrong road of
despair, depression and darkness. That was
until one that I admire reminded me
of who I was and Whose I was!
I am picked on for a Purpose and I shall
Persevere, I shall be persistent in my
walk and in my talk.

Word of the Day-12/1/2009

The Word for today is :
1. high regard: warm approval or appreciation of somebody or something
was filled with admiration for her courage
2. object of high regard: somebody or something regarded with approval, appreciation, or respect
I have admiration for several people that have crossed my path in life.
I would like to share of few with you and why.
First, my choir director (Di), who against all odds
has kicked addiction and is seeking to be addicted to our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Di, serves in many different roles
in our church, she is a mother, a daughter, a sister, an Auntie Di, a
grandmother, a friend. The role that she blesses me in
is as a Big Sister, a mother figure who encourages me
to see myself as I am.
The second person I admire is my husband Aaron.
I admire Aaron because against all odds
he kicked his addiction, he has always been employed and loyal.
I have learned many things from Aaron and one being is for me
to be consistent. Aaron used to smoke when I first met him,
but for my health and his he stopped immediately., The
courage he had to quit cold turkey I will never understand.
The last person that I will share with you this day is,
I admire my friend Renetta, who has finally seen a
different side of herself, one that is able to share
her vulnerability. Renetta and her family
structure has always been one of strength. When I
look at her I see a strong tower, a strong fortress.
When I spoke with her on Sunday she taught me something new,
I saw tears in her eyes. I saw her praising the Lord,
and she was encouraging me in the midst of it all
to praise at all times.
I have been fortunate to have these three people in my
life and so many more that have helped to shape
who I am.
The final person I will share with you is my admiration
for Jesus and what God did through his presence.
What courage, what great sacrifice so that I
could have the opportunity for Salvation.
I have high regard, admiration, respect,
esteem, for the Lord Most High.
Our God Is an Awesome God!