Ever so innocently, we've let our English language distort the meaning of the word church. Sometimes, that word means a place (as in I left my Bible at church). Other times, it refers to an activity (as in What time does church start). Often church is used to describe an institution (as in His behavior was frowned on by the church). While such definitions are appropriate, they miss the meaning of what church is all about.
The essence of the church is your Christian family---those people around the world who flow Christ and commit themselves to Him and to each other. When the apostle Paul wrote about the church, he wasn't talking about a building, an activity, or an institution. For Paul, the expression of church meant a personal relationship among Christians. He most often compared the church to a human body.
In a body, all the parts and details are important,and they must function in harmony.
- If one member of the body is injured or sick, then the entire body suffers.
- The members must operate in unison, because if they try to go in opposite directions, they won't get anywhere.
- Some members are more visible, while others play a vital role on the inside, But both types are necessary. There are no small parts in the body of Christ.
- If every member were the same, the body would look really weird, and if wouldn't function very well. (Just imagine a five-foot, eight-inch ear. Oh, sure you would have excellent hearing, but try driving a car that way).
the next time you go to church , don't look at the building of think about the schedule of events. Instead, look at the people. Appreciate them for who they are, what they need, and what they contribute to the "body". Then think about yourself. What is your role in the church? How do you fit into the body? Are you making a contribution to the overall health and fitness of the body?
Being part of the church means a lot more than just attending a service on Sunday morning, tossing a few coins in the basket, and shaking the pastor's hand on the way out. Being a part of the church involves an interactive relationship between people with Christ as their common bond. With that definition, you can't "walk out of the church" on Sunday morning. You are part of the body all week long.
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