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A Spiritual Advisor

One would think that having a conversation with a Spiritual Director would be a easy week, but that is not the case for me. I had a road block in this area and was not sure how to approach the conversation. I chickened out and invited my husband along for the conversation. He always has something to say and I felt within the safety of the room that I'd be able to say what needed to be said. Well that didn't quite work out in the beginning because he has so much to say, I couldn't talk if I wanted to. When the attention was placed in my court with a spot light, I wanted to run and hide. I think I wanted to flee because I felt that I was going to be told, yes its time for me to leave. To my relief that is not what happened, so now I feel like when it is time to leave it will be because God says its time and not because someone is trying to force me out. Bishop reassured me that Fifth Street will always be my home and that no matter where I go I can always come home. Whew, wasn't that a load off my mind.

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