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Thought of the Day-April 28th, 2009

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…Those who live in accordance with the Spirit have minds set on what the Spirit desires…You are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you” (Romans 8).

Who is controlling you? What is controlling you today? Are you living by the spirit or are you dying by the tongue? Life and death is spoken in our tongue.

God brings conviction to us, but not condemnation. Conviction in that he convinces us with his word, with his truth that we are sinners, that we must turn from our behavior. Condemnation is more of a blaming, God does not blame us, but God convicts our hearts, which moves us to change, to action.

God desires us to live by the Spirit. In living by the Spirit we can be more mindful of what we say and what we do. We model for others in our actions and in our talk. If we are living in the Spirit we are modeling Christ-like behavior.

So I ask you again who is controlling you? Challenge yourself this week to model the Spirit in talk and in action. When you get ready to speak, count to five in silence, pause, then speak. Take your time and be more conscious of what you do and what you say.

Remember, You are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit,
if the Spirit of God lives in you”

Minister Angela

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