
Good day to you..
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Thought of the Day-April 30th, 2009

This morning my co-workers had an intervention with me regarding my medication. So let me tell you the background on the matter. I went to the doctor last Tuesday and was given four new medications to start. On Wednesday or Thursday of last week I started taking the medication and have been ill since then. I talked to the doctor on yesterday and was given a choice of two and a half more days of being sick or stopping the medication. So all of you who knows me, knows that I stopped taking the medication last night.
I am on a med accountability program with a co-worker to ensure I am taking my meds, but it was not he that chose to have the intervention this morning. It's hard to justify to seven folks why you aren't taking something any longer. They basically said we have dealt with you being sick for over a week now, what is a couple more days. Especially seeing what the alternatives would be, they so clearly pointed out. I could stop now, and have more invasive tests done if my condition continued which would be worse, or more of the same medication. Neither is what I am wanting, so to avoid any further poking and prodding, I have chosen to continue my medication.
God intervenes in our lives, in my life daily. He provides protection, provision, direction and so much more.
God is my comforter, he protects me from myself and from others, He gives provision in so many areas of my life it is like the breath I breathe, a necessary part of me. He directs my paths and corrects my ways. I allow, welcome, receive the intervention of the Lord.
What areas of your life are you allowing, welcoming, receiving God's intervention?
Talk back and let me know what is going on with you,,,,
Minister Angela

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