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Thought of the Day-August 18th, 2009

By Gail Rodgers

I had a friend who would ask me, just out of the blue, “How is your soul today, Gail?”It always took me back a bit and even made me uncomfortable at times. Yet when she moved away, I missed it. It had been the beginning of some great talks and prayer times.
I thought of Jean today as I read this verse, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 1:3).“Blessed with every spiritual blessing”!
She would say, “Are we living there, Gail?”Let’s ask ourselves that question.
Am I living today as one who has been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the Heavenlies in Christ Jesus?
If you are anything like me, the answer is probably not. Yet it is a promise I can live in because God has done it, He has blessed me this way.
But how do I receive spiritual blessing, that walking in the joy of knowing Jesus even when circumstances around me are less than perfect?
The last verse in the same chapter says, “God fills everything in every way.” The problem is not with God. He promises the blessings and the filling up.
Let’s ask ourselves this: Could it be that I limit God in my own life? Could it be that the child-like trust He calls me to have has become too grown up with cynicism and doubt?
The only limit to God’s fullness in our lives is the limit we place on offering our lives back to Him.
Today, open all the windows and doors of your “heart home”.
Tell God you don’t want to limit Him in any way in your life.
Ask Him to help you sweep out the doubt and cynicism that has created cobwebs in your heart.
Ask Him to help you clear out the clutter of a “too busy” life so you can sit with Him and hear His voice. Ask Him to help you to invite Him into every decision.
Let Him help you capture thoughts that drag you down and clear them out by replacing them with the truth of God’s Word.
Give Him all that you are so He can fill you and make you all that He created you to be.~
Father God, thank you that You have promised me “every spiritual blessing” and that you “fill everything in every way”.
Today I offer to You all that I have, all that I am and all that I hope to be. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit today. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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