
Good day to you..
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Thought of the Day-August 7th, 2009

It is Family reunion time. Last weekend we were in Tennessee with my family on my Father's side. This weekend the 7th -9th, we are here in town with my husband's family on his Father's side. Interesting...! We continue to have these reunions, and my husband and I both
are in attendance, but it is always on our Father's side that family is trying to stay together.
Though one takes travel and the other takes flexibility.. We have
a great time and are happy.
I was hard pressed to get to the Tennessee, my grandmother and her sister
are getting on in the years. Who knows if this was their last or my last.
Being with family, with your roots are so important..
Don't let the spilled milk of life stop you for being together.
I must tell you financially we did not have the money for the trip.
My mother out of the kindness of her heart gave, ( we did not ask) 350.00, so that
we could be in Tennessee making those memories with family. She did
not say it is a loan and I want it back, she gave it as a gift. Now you know
I am going to do my best to break off some money to my mom every month.
God is Good... And I thank him for mom...

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