Today's Word involves
Facing life's Giants
Days ago I shared with you some of God's promises.
My favorite that day was Joshua 1:9, a promise,
a stone that I was able to use to
kill, destroy, and remove an emotional Giant.
If you did not look at those promises, I encourage you
to look back to that day on my blog.
Anyway, back to today's Word.
Facing the Giants. As an oldest child in my family
I have received various responsibilities. Chastising
my siblings being one, Hero/Savior of the family
being another trait. As the oldest you/I
feel a sense of responsibility to inform and
correct my sibling as well as my parent
when I feel they are not living up to my expectations,
to the standards I know they are capable of reaching.
Standards and traditions that have held us as a family
generation after generation.
Sometimes this is done in a complete manner
of love that takes a moment or two for
the family member to accept. How many times
has my mother told me that I am not grown. Now I am 37,
still hearing that same line. How many times have I heard
lately I am the momma. True, she is the mom
but as the oldest child, I am in charge.
We have to speak the hard truth to those we love.
How they react either brings us closer or
separates us. Giants seek to overtake,
overpower, destroy those smaller then them.
Emotional Giants, Physical Giants, Spiritual Giants,
Work Giants,,, etc... It does not matter the type of
Giant you are facing.
The solution to dealing with the Giants is all the same.
Promises from God, telling your Giants How BIG GOD IS!
Speak to your Giants, don't hide, don't retreat.
Keep your eyes on Jesus and not the water Peter,
not the water Angela, not the water ________
(insert your name).
My mother is still my mother, the one who gave me life.
I am still her daughter though we disagree, though I get
frustrated. Likewise with my siblings...
The important piece is that love abounds, love abides,
love builds a bridge.
A phone call can create a Giant.
A phone call can create peace too!
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