
Good day to you..
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I hope that you find the information useable, use what you can,
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Thought of the Day-April 24th, 2009

Trouble is not always trouble!
It is often God's way of making us lie down,
turn around, sit still, pray, work harder, or start over again.
(Robert Schuller)
So what is going on in your life this week? What life changing moments are you having? Is there illness in your body causing you to lie down? Is that illness showing you anything?
I know when I was having the pain in my knee earlier this week, a lot of things came to mind. I hadn't injured it in any way, but yet I was having great pain. Was it my stepping down on it wrong or was it a sign of days to come. I'd like to think that it was a sign of things to come if I did not/choose not to move more. So as I was riding my bike last night through the neighborhood, I was quite childlike and playful. I was proud of myself that it only took me a day to decide that yes I must move more. Some times/Most times God uses an illness or condition for his good, to teach us something that is priceless. At least that is what he does in my life, he uses those rough spaces to show me his glory, so that I might learn something new, something that will change my life for the better. Don't get me wrong I take no illness lightly, but I have to find the good in all things. It is in finding that good that I find Peace-Hope-Faith-and Strength for my journey.
So if you know me at all you know there is plenty to say about other opportunities to turn around, sit still, pray, work harder and/or to start again. I am sure as we continue to be on this journey together you will have opportunities to see how God works in these other areas to teach and train me.
I'd like to hear from you today, share your moment when God reached into your mess and showed you once again who he is. Leave me a comment and let me know how you feel.
Are we on target or are we missing the mark with this thought?
Minister Angela

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