
Good day to you..
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I hope that you find the information useable, use what you can,
discard what you cannot and leave me a thought or two of your own.

Thought of Day-10/30/2009

Todays Word is:
Faith is taking that first step,
even if you don't see the whole staircase.
Martin Luther King
Live life on the bottom step and miss
a world of opportunities.
Climb higher and fly with
the eagles.
Life's a climb,
that can bring great expectations.
If you hang out on the bottom floor,
how will you know what you truly can do?
To run this race, to move on in
your journey, you must keep one foot
in front of the other.
Dig in deep and enjoy the climb...

Thought of the Day-10/29/2009

Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast
- you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.
Eddie Cantor 1892-1964
What I most miss about my childhood is the simpleness.
No bills to pay, no responsibilities.
It seemed to be less, have it your way folks,
it was more about working together as a
community and less me, me, me.
Even on my mothers job there was
a sense of oneness among the worker's.
Frequently taking up collections to help
offset a sickness of a co-worker, a loss of a co-worker,
a life changing event of a co-worker.
Today, a lot of people seem to be fixated
on microwave living. Anything that takes
more than 4 minutes and 30 seconds to
do, we don't want to make the effort.
We are a drive through community
looking for the easy way out of every way of life.
I challenge you to go back to the mentality of
a child. Back to the newness of everyday.
Back to the enjoyment of life and exploration.
I challenge you to prepare dinner with your family.
To go to Big Momma's house for a family dinner on
a day that is not a holiday.
To stop and smell the roses. To meet your
neighbors. To develop community.

Thought of the day-10/28/2009

The Word of the Day is:

- process of change:
a process or period in which something undergoes
a change and passes from one state, stage, form, …
Life is a series of stages. A series of transitions from
one part to another. There are different
valleys and mountains along the way. At some moments
we are soaring and climbing, then at others we hit
a plateau, then there are those bad moments
when things seem to drop off into an abyss.
It is the moment of the abyss that I want to speak to today.
What keeps one from falling into the abyss and others soaring?
The only way to truly combat transitions, though they be good
or bad is to stay centered on JESUS.
One must be armed for battle, with the WORD of God.
So if you are falling into the abyss or having trouble climbing out...
Check in with the Word,,, there you will find your strength
for the transition.

Thought of the Day-10/27/2009

The verse for the day is:
Every wise woman buildeth her house:
but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1
These hands were made to serve. These hands were
made to heal. These hands were made to build up.
These hands were made to pray.
What are you using your hands for?
Are you tearing down, or building up?
They say idle hands are the devils
When you use your hands ladies and gentlemen
to buildeth your house. You are creating a
foundation for future generations. What are you
showing younger brothers and sisters in Christ
in your building?
Are you adding to the kingdom or are you
decreasing the numbers?

Thought of the Day-10/26/2009

The verse of the day-
I will meditate on your precepts and have respect to your ways [the paths of life marked out by your law]. I will delight myself in your statutes; I will not forget your word. Deal bountifully with your servant, that I may live; and I will observe your word [hearing, receiving, loving, and obeying it]. Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.Psalm 119:15-18 (Amp)
Psalm 119 is on of my favorites. We are raised by our parents,
grandparents, church leaders, teachers, friends. Raised by them
according to a belief system. The belief system that
I was raised on is still around, but mostly
ingrained in those that are of my generation and older.
I say all that because, we know what we are taught.
I was taught the word of God and to be in
fellowship with other believer's. We can
follow the precepts, thoughts and instructions
of parents, grandparents, church leaders, teachers
and friends or we can follow the precepts of God.
Some people in our immediate group might be in line with the
precepts of God and some might not be. You can
test and see the truth by meditating on the word. If you are
in the word and of the word you will know the difference.
I hope you enjoy Psalm 119, I believe it is

Thought of the Day-10/23/2009

The word for Friday is:
to be an important factor in; help to cause
What type of contribution are you making to your community?
Are you sucking the community dry? Or
are you giving something of significance to
make a difference in someone else's life.
As a teenager I struggled with self worth.
As a suvivor of abuse, I struggled with self image.
As a child, ackward, skinny and tall, I struggled with
self image.
How did I get over? One special mentor,
one special teacher, one consistent church leader
at a time. They made me feel important,
they made a contribution in my life.
A contribution that can only be paid in full
by my giving back to my community. I have
to live up to the examples they set before me.
I remember dreaming as a child, it happened
frequently so that I could escape the
here and now. I would dream about
when I was married and how I would have the
faithfulness and strength of Vryle and Jack Brown.
The love and compassion for people that Phil and Minnie Smith
Seeing them live their lives before me, made me
who I am today.
I pay it forward...
I make a contribution of good, not because I have too
but because I must... I am an important
factor in someone's life...
I have self worth, a good self image...
A Contribution...

Thought of the Day-10/22/2009

The word for Thursday is:
to mix a substance with another substance
so that the two do not readily separate,
to mix with other people or things without being conspicuous,
I have always been raised in a blended family.
Living with my grandparents at different times,
with a single mother, with being raised by the
village, church, loving neighbors
and teachers.
That is what I considered blended, so many people in the
mix that everyone was family.
My brothers and sisters are what some
would consider a half sister or a half brother
as we have the same mother, but different fathers.
Then I have recently aquired what one would call
a step-mother, step-sisters, and
step-nephew and nieces. I don't
believe in halves or steps,
either you are in or you are out.
No half people and no steps as if it is
a climb to be in relationship with my family.
I have always had and felt the hand of God on my life.
As simple and natural to me as the air I breathe.
But to really be blended with the Lord
takes time, work , effort and a
willingness on the part of the person.
To be so blended, in tune with the Lord
that no devil, no situation, nor circumstance
can't readily separate you from that presence.
Takes time, work, effort, willingness
and a committment.
One can't be mixed so well with
the Lord Most high and live the
way we live. We can't treat people
any old kind of way, we can't cheat on
our taxes or separate family and
call ourselves blended with the Lord.
Do you have a relationship
with the Father that no one can
readily separate?
Are you blended?

Thought of the Day-10/21/2009

Todays Word for Wednesday is:
make something pure:
to rid something of harmful, inferior,
or unwanted contaminants,
or get rid of harmful, inferior,
or unwanted contaminants
This word touches home with me today and
reaches deep within.
When I go to the altar or into a state of prayer
the purpose is to make a petition to the Lord.
A request to be rid of something that is harmful
to ourselves.
HHMMMM... interesting. An unwanted contaminant
has taken power, residence in me. That could
cover a multitude of areas:
gossip, backbiting, fried Pastor,
fried Husband, fried Wife,
not being the person you are
called to be on your job, not being a good example
to others in your atmosphere, or something more simple or complex.
Are you entertaining a contaminant?
How do I purge these contaminants from my system?
Through prayer and petition to the Lord.
Through fasting, to going into your prayer
closet, or upon the altar.
A simply put as turning away from that wicked way!
Once you give those contaminants away,
don't infest your body with them again.
Keep your focus and your temple
Daily washing yourself with the word.

Thought of the Day-10/20/2009

The Word of the Day is:
mood or tone: a prevailing emotional tone or attitude,
especially one associated with a specific place or time
How easily am I affected these days by this weather?
All too easy my friends. Living in Missouri all my life
and not knowing any difference, one would think
that it would not affect me after all these years.
But I must say that my mood yesterday was
so much sunnier than today.
I have also tried my best today to keep my mouth shut,
but I do believe that changes the natural flow of things
and who I am.
So what atmosphere, prevailing tone do I want to reflect.
So if I am to have a prevailing tone, a predominant, most frequent
tone, I choose to have one of Jesus.
A tone of Faith, love and peace.
Jesus is Love and I want to be love.
I want a consistent, frequent, predominant tone
that reflects Christ to everyone. Not just those I
chose, but those God chooses.
I pray that you desire with me to change the atmosphere
to not allow this Missouri weather, Missouri people, Missouri drivers, Missouri Supervisors
to change the nature of who you are in Christ.

Thought of the Day-10/19/2009

The word for today is Expectancy
1. excited anticipation: excited awareness that something is about to happen
As a child I remember different periods of expectancy. Easter of course, Christmas,
probably the most popular time of all. But the expectancy of
a child with those two celebrations is somewhat surrounded
by half-truths provided by parents.
The Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.
Now I have no intention to debate any one's belief as far as those two are
concerned. However, I do want to mention the
expectancy factor.
The excitement, the joy, the anticipation that is to come.
Oh how it would be like to be, to have that childlike
excitement in relationship to Our heavenly Father
and the Word...
Is your adrenaline pumping, are you sitting on the edge of
your seat in anticipation? This is not something you
have to wait on, you don't have to go to sleep
then get up in the morning waiting for that gift.
The gift of Our Heavenly Father is available
each and every moment. Maybe that is why we
as a people take it for granted. We think that
our treasure will always be there.
Expectancy, what are you waiting on...
What are you looking for...
Where is your excitement and passion?

Thought of the Day-10/16/2009

The Word for today is:

- focus of attention:
the point that is the focus of attention
or interest the issue at the center

- influential place or organization:
a place, area, or group of people exerting control
or influence over somebody or something else
Are you focused today on past miss-takes? Are you
looking to the future, but stuck on your miss-happs.
Where is your center, your focus?
If we live in the past, if we focus on the past,
we can't look or move to the future.
Don't put your joy in this world.
But if you need a reminder, I am here to tell you
that Jesus is the Center of my Joy.
My faith, my hope, my peace,
radiates out from the Center,
the source of all.
If you turn your eyes off your situation
and onto the all the love
in your life, what peace you
would find.
1. My health and strength
2. The pain in my legs from working out
letting me know I am alive
3. Thank you that I have legs to move Lord
4. Thank you that I have eyes to see the
wonderful beauty you created
5. Thank you for my parents Lord
6. Thank you for my life Lord
I could go on and on for
Jesus is my Center...

Thought of the Day-10/15/2009

The Word for Today is:
The definition:
feeling nervous: worried or afraid, especially about something that is going to happen or might happen
- eager: wanting to do something very much, or in a tense or uneasy way
- producing anxiety: producing feelings of nervousness or agitation
I have degrees of anxiety. Mostly dealing with crowds and being comfortable
in my surroundings. All stemming from being a child and
not feeling the love, security and safety
that every child deserves.
As an adult I do not go into the mall, at least not unprepared.
And never will you catch me there walking the halls alone.
So I was feeling nervous, worried and insecure about what
might happen, the fear of the unknown.
How do I reconcile this?
Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything by prayer
and supplication
with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God. Phil 4:6
So this is how I find peace, I pray, and give
all glory to God.
So the next time you are in a situation of Anxiety
pull out Phillipians 4:6 and begin to pray:
Be anxious for nothing but in everything by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God.

Thought of the Day-10/14/2009

The Word for today:
When I go to the doctor and something is troubling me,
I receive most times a prescription that is designed to
correct whatever is out of whack, out of balance
in my body.
A prescription is:
- written order for medicine: a written order issued by a physician or other qualified practitioner that authorizes
- prescribed medicine: a drug or other medication prescribed by a physician or other qualified practitioner
So I already know that some of you are intuitive and can see where I am headed.
The bible is a prescription: designed by God, a written order
issued by him, the qualified practitioner.
It provides us instructions to follow, much like the pill
bottle, It gives us a print out of interactions we should
and should not have while taking the prescription.
There are answers in times of sorrow,
times of great joy,
times of pain and suffering,
times of renew and revival.
It gives us things to avoid and instructions
for staying on the path.
God has given you a prescription.
Have you taken your medicine today...?

Thought of the Day-October 13th, 2009

The word of the day is Define.

- state something: to state or describe something exactly
- characterize somebody or something: to identify somebody or something by a distinctive characteristic quality or feature
- show something clearly: to show something clearly, especially in shape or outline
As I was meeting with the Ministerial Team of my church
last night, this word kept ringing in my mind.
How do I define myself? How do others define me?
Do I need a license, a stamp of approval to define Angela?
None of those three questions are important. None of those three
questions matter one bit. Why?
Because I have already received a stamp of approval.
God has approved me... God has given me his stamp..
God has assigned and predestined what my training
will be and what valleys I will experience
and what mountains I will climb.
I so thank the Lord for His plan for my life,
for choosing how I will fulfill my days
seeking and serving the kingdom.
It is not my will, not my past, not my present that
defines who I am,
What does define me is whose I am.!
A child of the Most High God.
Something no man, no woman, no mountain,
no trial, no tribulation, no trauma and no drama
can take from me.
What does define me? That I am....
a child of the Most High God.

Thought of the Day-October 1st-9th, 2009

Attacks come in all shapes and sizes. How we react comes in all shapes and
sizes as well. Attacks are sometimes the same old story, but
with a twist.
For example, how many times has my health been attacked,
always an illness that is treatable,but not curable,
only for me to come out stronger. Sure originally when
I was first attacked with my health years ago, it was the boo hoo,
woo is me tactic, but now I grow stronger with each
adversity. And this last time I was even empowered.
How so you ask? I found out that if I continue
on my path of wellness then I can improve my own health,
thus decreasing the amount of medication that I will
need to take.
Now how awesome is that. So the devil can't use my health
to get me off the path. He has tried to divide my house
and create division in my marriage,
with a temporary battle, but those times
are becoming less and less because we recognize
more so how silly we as woman and man can be in the
So Attacks come in different shapes and different sizes.
My current battle, which has been turned over to the Lord
just now to deal with, is one of major foolishness.
Dealing with a man or woman caught up in their flesh
is an Attack...
Though my friends are attacking me unjustly once again,
I will not fall into my flesh in return. I will seek to serve
the Lord regardless. The good thing is that, I serve God,
not man. Man rushes to judgement, and women
stab you in the back, whispering in mans ear.
All in the flesh... all the while calling you FRIEND.
What can you do? FOCUS on JESUS.
Allow the Lord to be your FIRST FOCUS
Take heart that God hears/sees you
Talk to the Lord daily
Apply what the Lord tells you
Care about people
Kindly treat them as you would like
That is what my attack stands for...
Wishing you well...