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Thought of the Day-August 6th, 2009

By Marilyn Ehle

“My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you” (Psalm 42:6).

There are no mountains this morning. A strange statement from one who can never escape from the grand sight of towering, majestic, snow-capped Pikes Peak. The Peak and her sisters became my immovable anchor when we first moved to Colorado Springs. While driving around in circles, thoroughly confused in my quest for an elusive address, the mountains to the west became my lodestar, pointing me in the desired direction.

Of course, the mountains didn’t disappear overnight; they were merely hidden by an unusually thick morning cloud cover. Rational thinking overcame my initial emotional -- and faulty -- conclusion that the mountains had disappeared.

How similarly I conclude that God has disappeared when I walk through difficult times and do not sense His presence or leading. I didn’t curl up in fear this morning when I couldn’t see the mountains; instead I confidently drove to my appointment along the route I knew from experience would take me to my destination.

When God is hidden from my sight, it’s time to remember His past leading and drive on in faith. When the clouds lift, I will again clearly see my Guide and Friend.

~ Father, thank You for Your never-changing presence… even when I can’t see You. Help me in my often faltering walk of faith.
Whether you're in a painful place or a promised land, remember that God has led you safe thus far, and He is with you now.

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