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Beyond what I see

How do I have faith, when I cannot see the end
When what I see is blurry and I don't know who to depend
Life is filled with uncertainty, life is filled with what ifs
And yet I get up each morning, willing to take the stiffs
The stiff climbs and low valleys, long streets and dark alleys
I grab my bible, reach for a prayer and rally
Just functioning outside the box, running from the old way
And yet I get up each morning, to kiss a brand new day
How do you have faith, when you cannot see the end
Test after test, medical is not my friend
So I depart from what I can see, its blurry anyway
When I get up each morning, thanking God and say
Whatever you will, let it be done
I hope to see, but I will not run
I have faith, that you'll take care of me
Even If when tomorrow comes I cannot see
I cannot see tomorrow, just as I couldn't see today
When I get up each morning, I'll thank God anyway
I don't know if it is a test of faith that I am walking in right now. 
The only thing I know for sure is I'll praise God anyhow. 
I'll praise him in the blurry sight, I'll praise him if I have none. 
I'll praise him always, until the setting of my sun

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