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Thought of the Day-May 14th, 2009

Yesterdays subject was so real to me, so I hope you don't mind us digging a little deeper into it. Part 2 of Trust in the Lord.

Why does this Proverb use the word “Trust”? The word Faith means as it states in Hebrews (I’m paraphrasing) Faith is the belief in things not seen which are true. We need to have faith in all we do and with every breath we take.

To me “trust” comes after faith. We have faith that God the Father and His resurrected Son Jesus Christ exist. We have trust that They will do what they say They will do. We trust that Their words, teachings, blessings, mercy, grace etc will happen to us.

So for this Proverb to have influence it is supposed that we already have faith and not just faith but strong faith so that we can trust God.

Now that we have addressed the word “Trust” let’s look at the full beginning phrase: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart”.

Have you ever known someone where you know them well enough to understand that you can trust them without question on some things but not on other things? With The Lord we can and we must trust Him on ALL things with ALL our hearts. With no reservations. The Lord loves us and has nothing but pure desires to have us come and live with Him again after the resurrection. With that in mind can we trust Him with nothing less than all our hearts?

“Lean not to thine own understanding”. When we are dealing with our Creator and our Redeemer we need to remember that scripture that says approximately “my way are not your ways”. if we base our trust on our own understanding we may miss the blessings coming to us.

If we trust that Heavenly Father will help us with enough money to pay our bills and expect money to show up in the mail box we may miss the opportunity of a side job that was just offered to us to earn the money for our bills. Not the best example but hopefully you get my drift.

“In all thy ways acknowledge Him”. What does “acknowledge” mean?

“To recognize the rights, authority, or status of, to disclose knowledge of or agreement with, to express gratitude or obligation for, to take notice of, to make known the receipt of, to recognize as genuine or valid.”(Meririam-Webster)

Back 1000’s of years ago when the Proverb was written it probably meant “gratitude” but maybe not. Maybe it meant more than gratitude. That long definition surely fits with the proverb very nicely.

“He shall direct thy paths”. This is especially true if we don’t lean to our own understanding. We may pray for something and find ourselves so far away from where we normally would be, on a path not normally taken by us in our daily routine that we wonder where we are?

That’s the beauty of it. He knows where we need to go and what we need to do to place us in a position for the much needed blessings we seek.

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