
Good day to you..
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Thought of the Day-May 7th, 2009

Find a need and fill it...find a hurt and heal it...find a problem and solve it. (Robert Schuller)
As Outreach Minister at my church I am challenged to do more, to be more. We have successfully been serving the community once a month through our Feed the Community Program. Feed the Community is every 2nd Saturday of the month from 11-2 and we serve a hot meal to any that come to our program, but we also seek to serve those that are in other areas of the city. As the program has grown we have seen the need for the program in our community.
What need is in your community that you might be able to fill? Is there someone hurting today that you might be able to give a kind word too? Is there anyone you might assist by sharing words of life with?
My pastor has told us many times in the past and in the present to be solution oriented people. If we bend our guts to the ground focused only on the problems, then we remain on the ground. If we look for solutions, tips and tools of what we can do to bring about change, then we look up.
I want to be more of an advocate in the community for those that are needing resources.
Do you have a suggestion of how I might do that?
I have thought about visiting different churches to explain the program, but that could take some time. How do I get more support for programs?
Talk back to me and give me your solutions!

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