
Good day to you..
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I hope that you find the information useable, use what you can,
discard what you cannot and leave me a thought or two of your own.

Thought of the Day-12/2/2009

Word of the Day is:

We are made to persist. That's how we find out who we are.
Tobias Wolff,
1. continued steady belief or efforts,
withstanding discouragement or difficulty; persistence
Are you one that gives up, refuses to try, gets discouraged and falls
every time you hit a pothole along life's journey? Or are you
one that stands strong in the sight of adversity, telling
your pothole what is really true about your unwavering spirit?
This thought that I seek to write this day may speak to many hearts.
It may reach over the generations and talk to that inner woman or
inner man. Either way that it speaks to you, know that sometimes
I am just preaching to the choir, or trying to lift myself from the
ground beyond.
Perseverance, persistence is not an acquired trait or is it?
Can one who is adopted learn from their environment to
be self-resilient and to preserve against a world of obstacles?
Is perseverance en grained in our DNA or is it something
that we can take a class and learn?
From the time that I was born obstacles beset my life.
Being born in the seventies to a single teenage parent.
Being not white and not black in my skin tone.
Being of a different height and having different
color and texture of hair.
From the time that I was born and even before
I received an inheritance, a promise of
riches in glory. A promise of my Father's
ever present hand on my life.
When you come across two roads, you can take either road
according to the GPS to get to the same location.
But one road has wrong turns, potholes and such
that might deter you, or delay you from getting to the destination.
I must admit that I have lived a life of Perseverance.
I did however take a wrong turn. I forgot about
my own testimony for a moment, that I would
Praise Him regardless of my circumstances,
regardless of the temporary feelings.
I momentarily went down a wrong road of
despair, depression and darkness. That was
until one that I admire reminded me
of who I was and Whose I was!
I am picked on for a Purpose and I shall
Persevere, I shall be persistent in my
walk and in my talk.

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