
Good day to you..
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Thought of the Day-12/7/2009

Today's Word is

1. joined together: joined or linked firmly together
2. related: having something in common
3. with beneficial social connections: having useful business or social connections

Do you feel connected to a group or family? Do you

have a sense of belonging and significance with a particular group?

When you join the family of Christ, you belong,

you have a guaranteed inheritance. No longer are you

orphaned, abandoned or alone. You have an inheritance,

a royal priesthood. A joint heir with Christ.

A daughter of Eve or a son of Adam.

What freedom, what peace in being connected to our Heavenly

Father, of being connected to others in the body of Christ

that believe as you believe.

Staying connected is your choice,

it is up to you. Staying connected has benefits

of protection, healing, restoration. Staying

connected to the Father helps one and encourages one

to remain directed and guided by the Father.

Staying connected is your choice.

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