Todays thought is centered on a word:
In the business world in Finance an investment means the purchase of a financial product or other item of value with an expectatation of favorable future returns.
In business, the purchase by a producer of a physical good, such as durable equipment or inventory, in the hope of improving future business.
So with the word INVESTMENT leading to such positive potential, why are we not invested in the future. For several months in 2008 things became rather tight and I chose not to put money into my 401K. I stopped at that point investing my portion into my future. Did I lose sight that there was hope of improving my life, my wellbeing in the future? Yes, I did. I have recently started putting funds back into, investing in my future with hopes that there will be favorable returns. I have been more cautious in the portion that I put in, but I am no longer not investing in my future potential.
There has to be hope for the future, there has to be an expectation of a favorable return if I but make my investment.
So now that I have your attention, let us get to the heart of the matter. Are we investing in our children? Our present leaders and future hope for this nation.
Do we attend their functions at school? Do we cheer for them when they do well and hurt with them when they struggle? Do we encourage them to explore other areas of growth, in relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Or do we hold them captive by an old way of thinking, that children should be seen and not heard?
What will happen to our youth, if we don't invest in their future? What will happen to this generation and generations to come if we don't show christlike love?
Let me tell you the result, crack, drug dealers, groups of young people robbing folks.
The streets will invest in our children, the streets will have our children.
When the leader of Christian Education is more worried about what the children will or will not participate in when they get to camp and are not concerned about the immediate need to get them to camp, we have a problem. When will we hear the crys of the children, when will we hear the cries of the parents, when will we hear the cries of the youth leaders? Tell me when!!!
Heavenly Father, I fall on my knees, my gut bent to the ground for your children. I know that you have a promise for them, I know that you are invested in their future. Help us Lord Jesus as leaders, as their parents, as a nation to prepare them for this world. Help us Lord Jesus, in hope of improving our future to invest in our children. Help us Lord Jesus, to invest with the hope in you that there will be favorable returns.
I have made an investment, in the young people that have committed themselves to serving the community each month. Their faithfulness has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with the investments that they are making for their own futures.
I have made an investment, I challenge you to do the same....
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