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Thought of the Day-May 19th, 2009

My message for today is in the form of a poem from a book I have titled "Showers of Blessing".

My husband and I are in our second year of marriage and will celebrate 3 years on December 2nd, 2009. This month we have chosen to spend more time resting in the Lord. In that we have found such peace, playfulness, and contentment. We are settled in our spirits and souled out. In saying that I would like to share that we are in Love with one another. We have always loved one another, but I do believe this is one of many points in our life where we are in love with one another. The reason for the new found love, is our new appreciation and love for Christ. The alpha and omega of our lives.

" Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God"

Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain,

Good things and bad things, pleasure and pain

We can't have all sunshine, but it's certainly true

There is never a cloud, the sun doesn't shine through...

So always remember, that whatever betide you

The power of God, is always beside you,

And if friends disappoint you, and plans go astray

And nothing works out, in just the right way,

And you feel you have failed, in achieving your goal,

And that life wrongly placed you, in an unfitting role...

Take heart and "stand tall", and think who you are,

For God is your Father, and no one can bar

Or keep you from reaching your desired success,

Or withhold the joy, that is yours to possess...

For with God on your side, it matters not who

Is working to keep, life's good things from you,

For you need nothing more, than God's guidance and love

To insure you the things, that you're most worthy of...

So trust in His wisdom,and follow His ways,

And be not concerned, with the world's empty praise,

But seek ye first His kingdom, and you will possess

The world's greatest riches, which is true happiness.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God,

and his righteousness; and all these things

shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

A dedication to my Family: my love Aaron, My Pastor Rev. Kimbro, My First Lady Rev. Rhonda Kimbro, My Bro. Barry Lewis, My Sister Minister Kathy Lewis, My Friend Jacqua Williams, My Sister Rev. Erin Reynold's and My Bro. Rev. Marcus Reynold's, to my friend Rev. Jerry Ellison and his First Lady Donna Ellison, to my big sister and mother Diane Bradshaw....

Seek Ye First the kingdom of God....

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