Trust in the LORD with all your heart and
lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
To trust means:
reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc.,
reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc.,
of a person or thing; confidence.
To rely upon or place confidence in someone or something.
To acknowledge means:
to admit to be real or true;
recognize the existence, truth, or fact of,
to recognize the authority, validity, or claims of.
Our Father does not provide a neon sign along the path
to tell and direct us which way to go. Why not?
to tell and direct us which way to go. Why not?
Because his word says that if we rely on him with all our heart
and to not rely on our own personal interpretations, but
and to not rely on our own personal interpretations, but
in everything we do recognize the existence of God in our lives
and he will make our paths straight.
Let me be the first to raise my hand in testimony.
How many times have I strayed off the path
only for God to give me a window out of my
situation. Too many...
It is when I have focused my eyes, placed my confidence
in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; that I have found great peace,
in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; that I have found great peace,
must contentment with the journey with which I have
been blessed.
For many years I was ill, lying on my back
looking up to my Father. The struggle went on for
looking up to my Father. The struggle went on for
what seemed like a lifetime. But that final day, a decision was
made to Trust in the Lord for my future. To trust the Father
to feel my barreness with the children I so desired to birth.
Though I am physically barren, God has provided. I have my
babies at church that love me. I have my grandchildren by marriage
that I might spoil and return home. This spiritual blessing
has contained my sorrow, my barreness for so long.
I think of Abraham and Sarah. I know, trust and acknowledge
that God is directing my path, if I but rely and trust in his
that God is directing my path, if I but rely and trust in his
Word, in His interpretation of who I am.
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