
Good day to you..
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I hope that you find the information useable, use what you can,
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Thought of the Day-May 15th, 2009

A year from now you may wish you had started today. ( Robert Schuller)
What is it that you are wanting to do?
No News Resolution stuff. But the goals that you have put aside
awaiting the right moment in time.
Now that you have that thing in mind. What is one small step you can make
towards making that happen? Just one small step. Now that you have
that in mind, how can you move forward? What do you need?
Who can you enlist to aide you?
I have set a goal that I want there to be less Angela when I
attend my Family Reunion in August. One small step
I can take is to stop drinking soda.
How can I move forward? With assistance with my friends and
family, I must share my goal and they will encourage me to do right.
If we would just start, we would find that through our faith
we can move mountains.
What are you wanting to start? How can I help you
reach your goal or to make one small step?
Leave me a comment and lets see what we
can get done...

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