Today we will walk in Love...
If we love one another; God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.
1 John 4:12
As I look back over my life of 37 years, I think about love. Love has followed me and love has carried me in many ways. The childhood love that I had for Father figures that betrayed me, to the awesome love of a Heavenly Father that provided provision and protection. If it weren't for God loving me so, I don't even want to think where I might be. I thank him for his protection and direction, because so many people that I grew up with had to endure storms without knowing their purpose. I have had my storms as well, but I have always pressed forward, I was always able to see the sun (son).
When you grow up in a community where you are in the group that does not have much money, but always had what you needed, people poked fun at you. People would point out any imperfections that they could see, your hair is not long enough, your clothes aren't from the finest stores and you are awkwardly tall and skinny. My name is not olive oil, nor the jolly green giant, but they called me that anyway. When the streets treat you so mean, you retreat into yourself, you feel self-conscience. Where do you turn? Do you try to fit in? You're already on the outside. So you turn to church to positive moments in your life and you find your freedom, you find love...
In my life because of my childhood I have had difficulty fitting in, showing love, sometimes looking for love in all the wrong places. What saved me? The love of Christ. No... Yes really... Reading in his word how relationships are suppose to be, fitting in with him and being told that you are somebody special because God loves you. Finding forgiveness and peace with my past. And not for one moment would I trade any experience, be it bad, be it good. Why? Because that changes Angela, my nature, my personality, my character and I am not willing to risk losing Angela.
Not all people are easy to love. But if god lives in us, we must show love. I think about my daughter, she makes it very difficult to love her. When we focus on loving the person, and hating the sin/behavior then it changes things. We are able to love without enabling the behavior. Loving her is going to make me into the Mature Woman that I am called to be, an example to her, myself and other women.
A closing prayer by Frederick Meyer seems to sum up today's thought.
Thank you for allowing me to share a piece of my-story with you.
Forgive us if this day if we have done or said anything
to increase the pain of the world.
Pardon the judgemental attitude, the unkind word,
the impatient gesture, the hard and selfish deed,
the failure to show sympathy
and kindly help where we had the opportunity,
but missed it.
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