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Thought of the Day-June 19th, 2009

Stop Worrying
By Engblom
Read Philippians 4:13; 2 Corinthians 12:8-10
Worry is the beginning of discouragement, and discouragement spells failure.
Failure is just what Satan wants us to have, for then he soon gets advantage of us. So I say, "Stop Worrying, stop yourself. Do not say you can't, for you can do all things through Christ strengthening you!"
Lord, I admit it! Sometimes I find myself worrying: please help me to stop it, and cast all care upon You! In Jesus' name Amen.
I am encouraged today in my spirit. That this too shall pass.
My hut is no longer on fire.
And I sense a revival in the air...
Thank you Lord, I so appreciated the time to look up!

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