
Good day to you..
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I hope that you find the information useable, use what you can,
discard what you cannot and leave me a thought or two of your own.

Thought of the Day-October 1st-9th, 2009

Attacks come in all shapes and sizes. How we react comes in all shapes and
sizes as well. Attacks are sometimes the same old story, but
with a twist.
For example, how many times has my health been attacked,
always an illness that is treatable,but not curable,
only for me to come out stronger. Sure originally when
I was first attacked with my health years ago, it was the boo hoo,
woo is me tactic, but now I grow stronger with each
adversity. And this last time I was even empowered.
How so you ask? I found out that if I continue
on my path of wellness then I can improve my own health,
thus decreasing the amount of medication that I will
need to take.
Now how awesome is that. So the devil can't use my health
to get me off the path. He has tried to divide my house
and create division in my marriage,
with a temporary battle, but those times
are becoming less and less because we recognize
more so how silly we as woman and man can be in the
So Attacks come in different shapes and different sizes.
My current battle, which has been turned over to the Lord
just now to deal with, is one of major foolishness.
Dealing with a man or woman caught up in their flesh
is an Attack...
Though my friends are attacking me unjustly once again,
I will not fall into my flesh in return. I will seek to serve
the Lord regardless. The good thing is that, I serve God,
not man. Man rushes to judgement, and women
stab you in the back, whispering in mans ear.
All in the flesh... all the while calling you FRIEND.
What can you do? FOCUS on JESUS.
Allow the Lord to be your FIRST FOCUS
Take heart that God hears/sees you
Talk to the Lord daily
Apply what the Lord tells you
Care about people
Kindly treat them as you would like
That is what my attack stands for...
Wishing you well...

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