
Good day to you..
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I hope that you find the information useable, use what you can,
discard what you cannot and leave me a thought or two of your own.

Thought of the Day-10/16/2009

The Word for today is:

- focus of attention:
the point that is the focus of attention
or interest the issue at the center

- influential place or organization:
a place, area, or group of people exerting control
or influence over somebody or something else
Are you focused today on past miss-takes? Are you
looking to the future, but stuck on your miss-happs.
Where is your center, your focus?
If we live in the past, if we focus on the past,
we can't look or move to the future.
Don't put your joy in this world.
But if you need a reminder, I am here to tell you
that Jesus is the Center of my Joy.
My faith, my hope, my peace,
radiates out from the Center,
the source of all.
If you turn your eyes off your situation
and onto the all the love
in your life, what peace you
would find.
1. My health and strength
2. The pain in my legs from working out
letting me know I am alive
3. Thank you that I have legs to move Lord
4. Thank you that I have eyes to see the
wonderful beauty you created
5. Thank you for my parents Lord
6. Thank you for my life Lord
I could go on and on for
Jesus is my Center...

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