
Good day to you..
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I hope that you find the information useable, use what you can,
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Thought of the Day-10/20/2009

The Word of the Day is:
mood or tone: a prevailing emotional tone or attitude,
especially one associated with a specific place or time
How easily am I affected these days by this weather?
All too easy my friends. Living in Missouri all my life
and not knowing any difference, one would think
that it would not affect me after all these years.
But I must say that my mood yesterday was
so much sunnier than today.
I have also tried my best today to keep my mouth shut,
but I do believe that changes the natural flow of things
and who I am.
So what atmosphere, prevailing tone do I want to reflect.
So if I am to have a prevailing tone, a predominant, most frequent
tone, I choose to have one of Jesus.
A tone of Faith, love and peace.
Jesus is Love and I want to be love.
I want a consistent, frequent, predominant tone
that reflects Christ to everyone. Not just those I
chose, but those God chooses.
I pray that you desire with me to change the atmosphere
to not allow this Missouri weather, Missouri people, Missouri drivers, Missouri Supervisors
to change the nature of who you are in Christ.

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