
Good day to you..
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I hope that you find the information useable, use what you can,
discard what you cannot and leave me a thought or two of your own.

Thought of the Day-10/14/2009

The Word for today:
When I go to the doctor and something is troubling me,
I receive most times a prescription that is designed to
correct whatever is out of whack, out of balance
in my body.
A prescription is:
- written order for medicine: a written order issued by a physician or other qualified practitioner that authorizes
- prescribed medicine: a drug or other medication prescribed by a physician or other qualified practitioner
So I already know that some of you are intuitive and can see where I am headed.
The bible is a prescription: designed by God, a written order
issued by him, the qualified practitioner.
It provides us instructions to follow, much like the pill
bottle, It gives us a print out of interactions we should
and should not have while taking the prescription.
There are answers in times of sorrow,
times of great joy,
times of pain and suffering,
times of renew and revival.
It gives us things to avoid and instructions
for staying on the path.
God has given you a prescription.
Have you taken your medicine today...?

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