
Good day to you..
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I hope that you find the information useable, use what you can,
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Thought of the Day-11/11/2009

Todays thought is about
No Limits Living
Just think our Father knows everything. He has a book,
with my name on it, everything is written down,
planned out from beginning to end.
How many times have I gotten off track from what God intended
and he has had to make a revision to the plan. He has had to
add a lesson here and there, to correct
the wrong turn I took.
Just think our Father created everything that we see,
touch, hear and smell. It was His design that
made everything and everyone what they are today,
whether they acknowledge Him or not.
Our Father has no limits.
So lets talk about no limits living.
No limits living involves saying like "Obama"
Yes I can, or Yes We Can...
Yes you can be more and do more
than you can possibly imagine.
God has provided, given a provision for a world
of opportunities. In todays world a black child
can see someone that looks like them in
almost every area of life.
From the homeless person to the President of the United States.
There are no limits...
The plan is already laid out, the schedule intervals
where you will take time to learn the next skill to get you to
that next level is already set.
The only catch is......
You have free will, you have a choice
So Chose this day who you will serve
GOD or man...?
Self or God ?
One choice, one decision moves you from homelessness,
helplessness, to a world of possibilities.

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