
Good day to you..
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I hope that you find the information useable, use what you can,
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Thought of the Day-11/2/2009

The word for the day is:
Philippians 4:13
For I can do everything through Christ
who gives me strength.
Happy Monday and thank God for the
Did you know that if you wear Jesus, you can
do anything through Christ?
I brought Jesus to work with me this morning and I
am feeling encouraged and inspired.
I have found that in my focus, if I focus
on Jesus that all things look better.
We all live in a day and age where we will have some
Mis-takes in life. We say something we did not mean
to a friend, co-worker, family member. We
take a left turn, when we knew we were to go to the right.
Mis-takes happen, it is understandable, but
premeditated sin is just wrong.
If at any moment you have plotted, decided to
do something you clearly know is wrong, that is
premeditated sin, no matter how small it is.
That premeditation just breeds more sin..
So when that little voice stirs you wrong remember
Phil 4:13
"For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength"

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