
Good day to you..
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Thought of the Day-11/3/2009

Today's Word is Flexible:
1. able to bend without breaking: able to bend or be bent repeatedly without damage or injury
2. able to adapt to new situation: able to change or be changed according to circumstances
3. subject to influence: able to be persuaded or influenced
Yesterday at the office we had a major crisis. We have recently changed to
an alternate shipping method which we will call fail mail. Anyway, all of our military
shipments going via fail mail had to be re-placed with priority mail. This was
a costly experience as a company, along with it being rather tedious
that my department teamed together to get those orders reshipped.
We as a team had to be flexible in getting our work completed and
being able to assist another co-worker re-place over 300+ orders,
within 4 hours time, in the meantime still providing
customer service to those that called. Many of us made the
transition rather quickly to accept the task at hand,
then there were those of us, who shall remain nameless, "me"
who wanted it to just go away. I was having a perfectly excellent,
non-busy day before the crisis appeared.
I was oh so overjoyed with the weather, more particularly
that the sun was shinning. Then there was a wrinkle
thrown in my plan, my plan not to do anything other than
my usual responsibilities. Interesting!
How so is it with the responsibilities I am given in the Word of God.
Do I listen, am I subject to influence, am I able to bend
without being broken.
I almost failed my test yesterday. If I am quite honest, I did
what I wanted to do, so yesterday was somewhat of a failed test.
The only reason it is not a total failure is that because of my acknowledgement
that my thinking was faulty yesterday.
Yesterday was a minor test and I was not successful.
Living a life of Christ is a major test, I must be successful,
it requires that I am able to bend without breaking.
That when adversity comes, I don't fall into an abyss,
but I hold my head high and press toward the mark, my
higher calling. That I dig in, take a deep breath
and am able to adapt to the circumstances.
Are you flexible for Jesus?

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