
Good day to you..
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I hope that you find the information useable, use what you can,
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Thought of the Day-11/9/2009

The Word for today is
- what identifies somebody or something: the name or essential character that identifies somebody or something
- essential self: the set of characteristics that somebody recognizes as belonging uniquely to himself or herself
- sameness: the fact or condition of being the same or exactly alike
When your friends and family see you what is it that they see?
When my friends and family see me, they sometimes see
more than they want too. Sometimes they she
Angela, my angel as First Lady qualifies me. Sometimes
they see the strict sister of Andre' and Marquita that hold them
to a higher standard. Sometimes they see me as the overbearing Wife of Aaron.
Sometimes it is as Nana, strict, but lots of fun.
Sometimes it is as a Friend, faithful and loyal.
Sometimes they see me as a leader,
one who Feeds the hungry and tries to minister to
the broken hearted. One who visits and prays for the sick.
But are any of those characteristics unique to just me. I think not.
There are others who bare similar traits. So what is it that
sets me apart from the average Joe.
My identity is etched in Christ. What makes me unique
is that it is as natural as the air I breathe. I cannot, do not
exist without my Father, He is all I know.
What makes me unique is my walk, my talk,
my testimony, my mannerisms. In all the world
there is no one that is like me.
Where does your identity lie? Are you using it for the
uplifting of the kingdom? Or are you just
self seeking, self fulfilling?

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